Croatia, freshest water oasis

World Tourism Day (WTD) 2013 is being held under the theme of Tourism and Water: Protecting our Common Future.

DUBROVNİK- In support of the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, World Tourism Day (WTD) 2013 is being held under the theme of Tourism and Water: Protecting our Common Future.
This year’s theme highlights tourism’s role in water access and shines a spotlight on the actions currently being taken by the sector in order to contribute to a more sustainable water future, as well as to point to the challenges ahead. Known as one of Europe's largest, but also the world's freshest water oasis, Croatia abounds in rich natural water flows.
Thanks to its geographical position and special terrain and climate, Croatia has significant quantities of quality drinking water, which is a prerequisite for a healthy life and sustained prosperity. According to official data, Croatia has about 45 billion m of renewable fresh water (9500 m per capita), and in relation to other countries the water is very rich. Croatia has a relatively dense network of rivers along with their tributaries, mostly belonging to the basin of the Black Sea, a part of the Adriatic Sea basin.
While consumption in the world is dominated by bottled water, we in Croatia use the benefits of our water resources and drink fresh tap water for a more healthful lifestyle. In Dubrovnik, a fresh drink from the Onofrio fountain is a treat. In fact, drinking fresh, cool water in the hottest of summer days is another one of our tourist attractions!
Think about significant scientists' recent announcement that in the world's preparation, production and distribution of drinking water, one litre of bottled water is 1,000 times more expensive than a litre of drinking water from the tap.


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