From 4 to 8 March 2015 over 170 companies, including around 30 newcomers, will be showcasing their innovations and products on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds
19 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi 09:30
BERLİN- Increase in international Travel Technology exhibitors – Chinese search engine Baidu and booking platform Qunar to exhibit for the first time – Travel Technology Guided Tours take on new format
Travel technology can now be found everywhere in the global travel market. Be it back or front offices, computer-aided custom marketing services or hotel software and booking platforms, it now extends far beyond social media and mobile travel services. ITB Berlin 2015 reflects the rapid pace of these developments. At the world’s leading travel trade show Travel Technology has become one of the biggest and fastest-growing segments, attracting exhibitors from all over the world. From 4 to 8 March 2015 over 170 companies, including around 30 newcomers, will be showcasing their innovations and products on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. Among those exhibiting for the first time are Baidu, a search engine from China as large as Google, and Qunar, one of the country’s biggest booking platforms. In particular, the Travel Technology segment is attracting a growing number of international exhibitors. In addition to companies from China, others from the UK (Intuitive Systems, Hotel Room Auction), Finland (Frosmo), India (Travel BPO, Moxiter), France (Flatswire) and Turkey (Yield Planet) have also secured display areas at the show. Furthermore, a number of Italian travel startups will be occupying a combined display under the heading of ’Start Up Italia’.
“In the tourism industry innovation is a process rather than part of a product. Thus, at ITB Berlin Travel Technology now occupies an increasingly important role“, said David Ruetz, head of ITB Berlin. “We are delighted with the large number of new exhibitors who will be making the most of the opportunity to appear at the world’s largest travel trade fair. The innovative spirit demonstrated both by startups and established companies in this sector will help to secure future growth in the travel industry.“
In the age of the digital revolution there is now an increasing demand for web-based tools, across industries and individual sectors alike. In order to meet the growing need for information ITB Berlin is collaborating with tools - Expo and Conference. Taking as its slogan “working web-based in tourism“ the tools Lounge will be showcasing web-based products that target tourism market professionals and show how business processes can be successfully digitised and automated. tools exclusively exhibits web-based business solutions and from 16 to 17 June 2015 will be taking place for the second time on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. For more information about tools please visit
The eTravel World is another attraction at the show. As part of the supporting programme, papers and workshops will be taking place on two stages. The range of forum events includes an introduction to Travel Tech, panel discussions on social media, papers on current developments in the markets of Asia and South America, as well as an ’Innovators’ Panel’ that includes brief pitches on the topic of apps.
Due to the high level of demand the Travel Technology Guided Tours will be taking on a new format. On Wednesday, 4 March 2015, in collaboration with Institut für eTourismus ’Tourismuszukunft’, and following a brief introduction, guided tours will be taking place in the Travel Technology halls. Their focus will be on tour operators, destinations and the hotel industry.
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