The jury has selected the winners of the ITBBook Awards 2019. The focus of the Destination Awards is on Malaysia, the official partner country of ITB Berlin from 6 to 10 March 2019.
07 Şubat 2019 Perşembe 16:00
BERLİN – The jury has selected the winners of the ITB Book Awards 2019. The focus of the Destination Awards is on Malaysia, the official partner country of ITB Berlin from 6 to 10 March 2019. In this category the winner was the travel guide ’Malaysia – Brunei und Singapore’ by Moritz Jacobi, with Mischa, Renate and Stefan Loose (Stefan Loose Travel Handbücher). The aim of the ITB Book Awards is to focus attention beyond national borders on the broad spectrum of interculturally important travel and tourism publications. The presentation of the ITB Book Awards 2019 will take place at the Palais am Funkturm, the new awards venue of ITB Berlin, on Friday, 8 March 2019 at 4 p.m.
This was the second time the jury of the ITB Book Awards bestowed honours in the category ’Frankfurt Book Fair Guest of Honour’ (2019: Norway) at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Awards went to ’Stefan Loose Travel Handbücher’, the ’Travel Handbuch Norwegen’ by Aaron and Michael Möbius, and the four-part travel guide series on Norway, written by Martin Schmdit and published by Verlag Reise Know-How. Matthias Kröner presented the best city destination guide with ‘Hamburg’, which is published by Michael Müller Verlag.
The publisher Trescher Verlag has devoted itself to the increasingly popular and geopolitically controversial destinations of North and South Korea with two detailed and illuminating works: ’Südkorea’ by Klaus A. Dietsch and ’Nordkorea’ by Arno Maierbrugger. Each guide is a perfect supplement to the title ’Unterwegs in Nordkorea’ (DVA). The volume by Rüdiger Frank, a researcher and expert on East Asia and North Korea, received the prize for recommended basic reading and information.
The Lifetime Award went to Roland Esterbauer. The publisher received the award for his diverse and wide-ranging programme of hiking and cycling guides and accompanying maps.
Every year the ITB Book Awards recognises publications on a range of fields and current topics from Germany and abroad. ITB Berlin is collaborating with Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels. The ITBBook Awards do not confer money prizes.
ITB Book Awards 2019:
List of categories, winners and publishers
Destination Awards ’Malaysia’
Moritz Jacobi, Mischa Loose,
Renate Loose, Stefan Loose
‘Malaysia – Brunei und Singapore’
Stefan Loose Travel Handbücher
Background information: North and South Korea
Rüdiger Frank
‘Unterwegs in Nordkorea. Eine Gratwanderung’
Klaus A. Dietsch
‘Südkorea. Vom Bärenland zum Tigerstaat.
Unterwegs zwischen Seoul und Jeju’
Trescher Verlag
Arno Maierbrugger
‘Nordkorea. Geschichte, Kultur, Sehenswürdigkeiten’
Trescher Verlag
Specialist tourism literature
Kerstin Heuwinkel
Susanne Götze
‘Land unter im Paradies. Reportagen aus dem Menschenzeitalter’
Marco d'Eramo
‘Die Welt im Selfie. Eine Besichtigung des touristischen Zeitalters’
and winner of the CultureS award
Tourist maps / atlases
Atlases for adventurers
Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras & Ella Morton
‘Atlas Obscura. Entdeckungsreisen zu den verborgenen Wundern der Welt’
‘Columbus Globus Duo Alba Swarovski’
Travel destinations in Germany – Hamburg
Matthias Kröner
Michael Müller Verlag
Stefanie Sohr, Volko Lienhardt
‘52 kleine & große Eskapaden in und um Hamburg’
DuMont Reiseverlag
Roberto Saviano, Giovanni di Lorenzo
‘Erklär mir Italien! Wie kann man ein Land lieben,
das einen zur Verzweiflung treibt?’
Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Kurt Andersen
‘Fantasyland. 500 Jahre Realitätsverlust.
Die Geschichte Amerikas neu erzählt’
Marco d'Eramo
‘Die Welt im Selfie. Eine Besichtigung des touristischen Zeitalters’
and winner of the Specialist Tourism Literature award
Literary travel books
Elke Heidenreich, Tom Krausz
‘Alles fließt. Der Rhein
Eine Reise | Bilder | Geschichten’
Corso/Verlagshaus Römerweg
Special travel books
Travelling – a passion
Ilija Trojanow
‘Gebrauchsanweisung fürs Reisen’
and winner of the Special Award by the Management of ITBBerlin
Per J. Andersson
‘Vom Schweden, der die Welt einfing und
in seinem Rucksack nach Hause brachte’
Frank Vorpahl
‘Der Welterkunder. Auf der Suche nach Georg Forster’
Galiani Berlin
Andrew Solomon
‘Weit & weg. Reisen durch sieben Kontinente’
Fredy Gareis
‘König der Hobos. Unterwegs mit den Vagabunden Amerikas’
Olivier Rolin
Travelling with children
Dieter Braun
‘Die Welt der Berge’
Ocean travel
Mareike Guhr
‘Blau Türkis Grün. Warum ich um die Welt gesegelt bin’
Delius Klasing
Hiking and cycling
Joshua Cunningham ’Escape by Bike. Offroad-Abenteuer & Bikepacking weltweit’
Lifetime Award – pubishers
Roland Esterbauer
for the publisher’s programme of hiking and cycling guides
Verlag Esterbauer
Illustrated travel books
Cristina Mittermeier
Paul Nicklen
‘Born to Ice’
titles available from teNeues
Peter Hinze
‘The Great Himalaya Trail. 1864 Kilometer Trailrunning
durch eine bedrohte Welt in Nepal’
Thomas Joussen, Frank Mesterharm, Darius Ramazani,
Marina Kloess, Lindsey Brunsman
‘New York to go. Der Insider-City-Guide.
20 x unterwegs mit den Big Apple Greetern’
Stephan Orth, Samuel Zuder, Mina Esfandiari
‘Iran. Tausend und ein Widerspruch’
National Geographic
Travel cookbooks
Sarah Henke, Jan C. Brettschneider
‘Korea. Meine kulinarische Reise ins Land der vielen Wunder’
Christian Verlag
Sonja Stötzel
‘New York Foodtrends.
Big Apple greifbar nah – Rezepte und Entdeckungen’
Gräfe and Unzer
Special award by the management of ITB Berlin
Ilija Trojanow
‘Gebrauchsanweisung fürs Reisen’
and winner of the Special Travel Book award
Simon Adams, R. G. Grant, Andrew Humphreys
‘Reisen. Die illustrierte Geschichte’
Dorling Kindersley
Travel calendars
‘Magic Moments 2019 – National Geographic’
teNeues Calendars
‘Wildlife 2019 – National Geographic’
teNeues Calendars
Frankfurt Book Fair Guest of Honour 2019 – Norway
Aaron Möbius, Michael Möbius
Stefan Loose Travel Handbücher
Martin Schmidt
‘Norwegen’, ‘Südnorwegen’
Handbook for explorers
‘CityTrip Bergen’,
‘CityTrip Oslo’
all titles published by Reise Know-How
Alva Gehrman
‘I did it Norway’
Matias Faldbakken
‘The Hills’ (Roman)
Heyne Encore
Petra & Gerhard Zwerger-Schoner
‘Norwegen 2019’ – an exclusive calendar
360° medien
The members of the 2019 jury are:
- Eckart Baier (Buchjournal)
- Cornelia Camen (BuchMarkt)
- Prof. Dr. Roland Conrady (Hochschule Worms/University of Applied Sciences)
- Armin Herb (jury spokesman, Redaktionsbüro Herb)
- Regine Kiepert (Schropp Land & Karte)
- Martina Kraus (RavensBuch)
- Philipp Laage (dpa Themendienst)
- Karl Mertes (journalist)
- Burghard Rauschelbach (sustainable tourism consultant)
- David Ruetz (chair, head of ITB Berlin)
- Raphaela Sabel (Schweizer Buchhandel)
- Gerd W. Seidemann (journalist)
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